The Larder opens every Friday from 12:30 pm to 1:45 pm.
The Larder is open to all with a donation of £2 (requested but not obligatory) for one full bag of goods.
How It Works
An ecumenical venture, started at the beginning of 2021, run by a steering group from both Rusthall churches and the Parish Council, and manned by volunteers. No remuneration is received and the main expense is Fareshare's costs. The Larder uses FareShare to receive weekly surplus fit-for-purpose products from the food and drink industry and promotes 'no good food should go to waste.' Products are also collected by arrangement from local supermarkets by volunteers.
St Paul's as the Parish Church, has engaged in a full and active role in the venture and has taken financial control. Additionally, St Paul's allows free use of the Parish Hall and provides storage. Rusthall United Reform Church provides storage and space for a fridge freezer.
The whole village has been very supportive with monetary donations from individuals and groups so the Larder can be supplemented when there is a shortage of particular essential products. It has been very successful, is very much appreciated, and will continue while financially viable.
In 2023 a grant was received from Tunbridge Wells Borough Council which was used to pay FareShare, supplement the weekly provisions and give a donation to St Paul's for use of the hall.
Find out more about the Community Larder