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Here are just some of the achievements the Youth Council have already accomplished.

  • Designed the Youth Council logo as shown on every page of our website. T-shirts will shortly be available incorporating this design.
  • Successfully completed a sponsored bike ride, a car cleaning service and an egg and bacon B-B-Q on two separate Sunday mornings before Sunday service. All these activities have raised nearly £1,000 towards the bee initiative (see below).


The Youth Council picked up an idea proposed during the Day of Prayer in January 2023 of exploring the viability of keeping bees in the Churchyard. We are now hoping that this initiative will start in 2024 with 2 bee hives. Before long we could have our very own St. Paul’s honey.

The Youth Council has played a key role in this initiative and have shown an enormous degree of interest in helping to look after the bees. Throughout 2023, the Youth Council have been working hard on raising the anticipated set-up cost of between £1000 and £1500 through a range of fundraising initiatives. They all deserve a massive ‘shout out’ for what they have achieved so far in raising that money.


The Youth Council is getting involved in many areas of village and church life.

  • The Council are working hard in trying to get a crossing across the Langton Road from the Parish Church path. They have already held meetings with local councillors about the crossing and will be contacting local media to raise the profile of their campaign - See our letter to the The Times of Tunbridge Wells, Kent Messenger, Greg Clark MP, The Courier and Rusthall Life.  
  • An initiative of the PCC is to start keeping bees in the Parish Churchyard. The Youth Council are actively supporting this initiative and have taken on the challenge of raising funds towards this initiative. The £1,000 raised so far should allow us to have 2 hives up and running from next year. Hopefully we will have a good summer of weather so we can all enjoy our own parish honey. Natures goodness on our doorstep.
  • As part of the overall bee initiative, the Council invited a local beekeeper to come along to show them some of the equipment, clothing needed for beekeeping and talk about what looking after bees actually entailed.
  • But its not all work, work, work. During the summer holidays they also made sure they made time for some fun as well with a number of “burger and swim” days. The social element of the Council is an incredibly important part of its purpose.


As a Church we take our safeguarding responsibilities very seriously and every meeting will be attended by at least one adult who holds the Safeguarding Leadership certificate. We are incredibly fortunate to have the expertise and experience of Angela Culley and Jean Kerr as our volunteer leaders. Both have spent their life working with young people.

We have a standard registration form that we ask to be completed by parents/guardians for all young people who wish to participate in Youth Council activities. This will also cover GDPR consent around data.

You can get a copy of this form by contacting the leaders.

Presentation by the Sevenoaks and Tunbridge Wells Bee-keeping Society. Afterwards they all shared Pizza as a reward for being so attentive!


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