
Mission    Activities    Diary   Photo Page


All meetings are held in the Norman Mantle Lodge in the Parish Churchyard. Meetings start at 6pm and finish at 7.30pm. Meetings are normally the first Thursday of the month but please note the meeting for January 2025 is on the 9th. 

Pizza and refreshments are always on the agenda.

October 18th - Youth Council scarecrows released at the entrance to Happy Valley

Thursday November 7th - Cooking with Charlies Angels

Saturday November 16th - Youth Council responsible for bric-a-brac, secrets room and toys and games at Church Fayre from 10am till 2pm

Thursday 5th December - Talk by St. John's Ambulance 

Thursday January 9th – Talk by Daniel Toombes on his trip to Tanzania and life after school

Thursday February 6th - Bee and Honey Marketing and Design

Thursday March 6th - Talk by Sue Knights from the Tunbridge Wells and Sevenoaks Bee Society

Thursday April 3rd - Visit by Community Police Officer Sarah - Focus on Personal Safety 

Saturday April 19th - Fundraising carwash in support of our "Bees in the churchyard" initiative

Easter Monday (April 21st) - Treasure Hunt / Cream Tea at Church centre

Sunday April 27th - Youth Council serving eggs and bacon breakfast at joint service at Church Centre from 9am

Thursday May 1st - Board Games 

Monday May 5th - Parish Walk - possibly sponsored for CYC Members 

Thursday June 5th - 

Saturday June 28th - Youth Council stalls at the Village Fete

Sunday July 6th - Youth Council serving eggs and bacon breakfast at joint service at Church Centre from 9am

Saturday November 15th - Youth Council running the "All things Honey" and "Pet" stalls at Church Autumn Fayre

Thursday December 4th - Design and build tree for Church Christmas Tree competition



If you would like to contact us or have any questions about any of our future activities, please contact Mrs Culley or Mrs Kerr.

Fund raising is hard work. But customers were really impressed by the car cleaning service. So much so, they would love to see this one return. All in the bee’s cause. We better get lots of honey!  
Learning to cook on a budget. Pasta bake followed by apple pie for dessert. This was so popular it is coming back again in the New Year. Fajitas anyone?

Youth Council Safeguarding Policy

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